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Why Join TFA

Discover a career that opens doors for you and the next generation.
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Our Mission: Make Excellent Education Equitable

At Teach For America, we’re on a mission to expand educational opportunities for children in underserved communities. By developing a coalition of advocates to break down barriers that hinder student success, we create more equitable ways for all students to learn, lead, and thrive inside and outside the classroom. It starts with individuals like you.

Deepen Your Passion 

To make real change, we need a network of champions who are willing to learn and challenge systems that burden students in marginalized communities. That’s why we recruit people with unique experiences, majors, backgrounds, and identities who are passionate about enhancing the lives of others through an equity lens. 

How do you know if you're up for the TFA challenge? 

Pursue Equity

You work to change inequitable practices, structures, and policies within your realm of influence

Strengthen Community

You partner with diverse, inclusive groups to enhance communities

Achieve Impact

You strive to achieve ambitious, meaningful results that lead to opportunities for others

Learn Continuously

You embrace new ideas to innovate and constantly improve

Choose Courage

You act on your beliefs and values, especially when it’s hard

Act In Humility

You seek out different perspectives and historical contexts to evolve your thinking and actions

Demonstrate Resilience

You see every challenge as an opportunity to cultivate unique solutions

Ready to take the next step?

Enhance Your Experience

Teach For America is more than just a two-year teaching program. In addition to a full-time teaching job, you’ll have access to a range of training, support, and leadership development opportunities to leverage the experience you already have. Whether you’re looking to become a teacher, pursuing ways to achieve social justice, or transitioning into a meaningful career, we can help you effectively champion underserved students in the classroom and beyond. 

Multiply Your Impact

When you join Teach For America, you join a deep network of education advocates who will join you in the fight for students at every level of their careers. Connect, collaborate, and grow with 64,000+ experienced ed equity changemakers who have gone through the corps, will support you during your journey, and help bring your longer-term vision for equity to life.

Professional Development Opportunities

Professional Development Opportunities

Take your impact and ambitions to the next level through our workshops, fellowships, awards, foundational and collegiate partnerships, and more.

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Connect with Like-Minded People

Connect with Like-Minded People

Participate in a regional social event, find a sense of belonging in an identity group, or attend one of our national conferences.

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Fuel Your Future Career

Fuel Your Future Career

No matter where your career takes you, TFA sets you up for success by helping you strengthen the transferable leadership skills you develop in the classroom.

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